Friday, February 22, 2013

First post ranting!

        I felt inspired after two days of being snowed in and decided that since I spend so much time on my iPad, I might as well take a shot at blogging my teaching experiences instead of scrolling endlessly through Facebook. I spent my two snow days in my pajamas being lazy and playing Super Nintendo with the hubby. I didn't do hardly any school work and definitely didn't tap into the mounds of grading that I brought home expecting to be productive on my two days off. The only thing I did do for school during our February, Missouri "snowmageddon" was apply for and write a $500 grant for school supplies, calculators and stopwatches. After I finished submitting my grant application, I realized that others, who work "normal" jobs, wouldn't normally do any work from home and here I am spending a few hours working on my "day off". Often, I envy people who have desk jobs from 9-5 and when they get home, their day is over. I love teaching, I truly do and think I was born for this career, but I can't help but wonder what it would be like if I spent evenings watching mindless television instead of writing lesson plans or spent my weekends shopping on the town with my girlfriends instead of grading papers. Anywho, people sometimes think that when teachers talk about the massive amount of work and the emotional strain we endure, that we are complaining but that isn't the case. We just want a little recognition for what we do. We don't complain in hopes that we will get paid more, or to annoy others, and we certainly don't want a new job. We are teachers because we love it at least in my case. :) 
My loving husband, who supports every penny
on my teaching and all the time I spend
writing lesson plans!

Happy reading and share my blog with your friends! If I know people read, I will be better about keeping it up!


  1. Mindless television is way overrated. We could get rid of the tv and be better off.

    I think you're a wonderful teacher. The hard work shows.

  2. btw, I dislike your grey font on white back round. A little hard to read.

  3. Thank you for your two cents my dear. I have changed the color. Is that better?

  4. I know you are right...I do not think other professionals realize what educators actually do. They believe work play with kids during the school day and then lucky us we get June and July off. I have batched all of our Acuity reports so I can start sifting through them and try to find some individual goals our next couple of months for both teachers and students. It is never ending. But, you are right, people (like you) who do this are "born to teach." You would do the endless work if you didn't care and love the kids. Thanks for sharing.
